(416) 964-9594


Mon – Fri / 07:30 – 16:30

The Mabin Fund

Tuition fees cover our operating costs, but like all independent schools, it is The Mabin Fund (formerly known as our Annual Fund) that provides the extras that create the full Mabin experience.

The Mabin Fund enables us to respond in concrete ways to the needs and interests of the children as they develop throughout the year. It allows us to purchase new science, math, French, art, and technological resources and provides funding for school trips, visiting artists, and experts in relevant themes of study. The Mabin Fund helps to support our overall financial position and ensures that our teachers are able to pursue opportunities that enrich the classroom and overall school experience for each child.

The Inclusion Fund

Effective changemaking depends on people from all socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds leading, collaborating, and problem-solving together in a context of empathy, inclusion, and action. A priority for The Mabin School is to increase the diversity of voices in our community and model inclusion for all our young leaders.

In her final year as Principal, Nancy Steinhauer has established “The Inclusion Fund” to secure and grow financial aid, with bursaries that support greater socioeconomic diversity and scholarships that  attract, invite, and include families from underrepresented communities. 

Your gift to The Inclusion Fund helps make The Mabin School more accessible and inclusive for amazing young learners.

Capital Campaign

The Mabin School has just completed a  $4 million capital campaign, The World Needs More Mabin, to raise the funds to build a Community Learning Lab and redevelop the existing facilities. The addition of the Community Learning Lab increases the overall space of the school by 25% enabling Mabin to share its knowledge and resources with a much broader audience. It also provides us with state-of-the art Kindergarten facilities, more room for integration, and a brand new art studio and learning commons.

We are still gratefully accepting donations towards this project. The Mabin School is a not-for-profit, so all gifts are eligible for a tax receipt. Donate now! For information about opportunities for recognition, contact

Thank You to our Generous Donors

Other Ways to Give

Charitable Registration # 119265734 RR 0001


You may make a pledge to Annual Giving or other areas through our secure website or by contacting the Advancement Office. Pledges may be fulfilled through a single contribution or in multiple payments.


Rather than donate cash, you can give the gift of stocks or securities. Contribute the fair market value of appreciated securities and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.


Does your family have a grant or foundation? You can designate The Mabin School as a recipient of a grant from a family foundation, charitable gift, or donor-advised gift fund.